So this happened....
Leslie Clark
Yet again it has been longtime between drinks....when I say drinks I mean blog posts. I 'relaunched' my wee blog back in October last year but what I didn't know when I jumped back into blogging was that an extreme state of tiredness and general exhaustion was about to hit me like a bat and doing anything other than working and functioning would become hard. Blogging was not on my radar!
What caused this sudden lethargy? That would be the intense physical challenge of growing a tiny human. So yeah I had a baby back in April of last year! That meant I was pregnant through the hottest time of year in Australia and whilst I fared pretty well one week of over 40degree heat every day was a challenge. Despite lacking in motivation pregnancy and I became friends not BFF's but it felt like the 9 months went by in a flash! Although, I'm sure if you ask others I wasn't saying that at the time.
Fast forward to now and Shane and I are the proud parents of our little man Logan Fraser born back in April 2014. Nine months old already!
It has been a crazy whirlwind of learning how to take care of this gorgeous little human...except for a few bumps early on we are doing great and the little man is thriving.
Loving his first Christmas!
So much so Mumma is even getting some time to spend on things like blogging and creating...although I should probably be doing more things like cleaning and laundry. That can wait right...Mum needs some 'me time'! Which for me time is not cleaning bathrooms and ironing clothes!
Whilst, I don't plan to make this into a Mummy blog as I think there are plenty of those out there who are doing it better than I ever would, I plan to carry on as I did before. Writing about little projects, events and random things I find interesting. Which I would imagine will be baby/kiddie related from time to time.
Here's to my second...'relaunch' and return to blogging! I am excited.