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A little space of the online world, filled with my ideas, inspiration and general ramblings. A mix of photography, travel and crafty projects, I hope there will be a little something that will interest anyone who stops by. Enjoy!


Amazing art.


I spent my lazy Saturday indulging in one of my favourite passtimes, blog reading! I have a special bookmark folder of my favourites and Creature Comforts is right at the top. I just love everything that Ez does over there and I must confess I am almost a little obsessed with checking for new posts. One day I would love to have a blog half as great as what she has. Anyway, I will leave the fan love for another day.

Whilst checking out her latest posts I saw this and just had to share it (it's a one time story steal I promise)! It's the wonderful work of Chan Hwee Chong...who has created amazing pieces of art by working in a spiral motion and applying varying pressure to the Faber Castell pens used to create these unbelievably amazing images.
Check out the video below of Chan Hwee Chong in action. Awe inspiring don't you think?

Some more of his work can be seen below and here. Now go get your pens out people!